Download FY12_Contracts_9-22-11 (PDF, 9 megs)
To receive your Formula Grant allocation, your town/city will need to complete the contract you will find in the PDF file above. By using these instructions, you will help expedite this process. Contracts are in alphabetic order.
The COA MAKES NO CHANGES WHATSOEVER TO THIS CONTRACT! See signing instructions for the authorized signatory for the municipality in item #1, below.
Your FY2012 Formula Grant Award is found in the box labeled “COMPENSATION.”
The COA (and the municipality) should read the section entitled BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT PERFORMANCE or REASON FOR AMENDMENT. This binds you to the instructions for the contract and The Guide to Council on Aging Eligible Costs and Best Practices for FY2012 that was issued in conjunction with the Formula Grant/Allocation announcement. If you do not have a copy of the Guide, please contact Elder Affairs.
The address in the upper left hand corner box of the contract is not the COA’s address, but the current legal address of the municipality. Changing it requires a new W-9 form and other documents. To change COA contact information, see item #3, below.
- The authorized signatory shall sign and date this contract in the BOTTOM LEFT HAND YELLOW-HIGHLIGHTED FIELDS. The COA does NOT sign or change anything on the contract! The authorized signatory may enter (print) the signatory’s name and title. Only the chair of the Selectboard, executive secretary, mayor or whomever is legally authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the municipality.
Note: The Executive Office of Elder Affairs countersigns the lower right hand corner; make no marks/changes in that area.
- If you already changed the name of the contract manager (upper left hand box), have the signatory initial that change.
Note: ELD must countersign for the comptroller to accept a change to the name of the contact person. If this information not current, see Item # 3.
- Notify ELD of needed changes, if any, on a “yellow sticky” or other note attached to the contract. Please contact ELD prior to making any contract modification!
Please submit as soon as practicable. You need NOT overnight the contract.
Return document to:
Elder Affairs
1 Ashburton Place, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
ATT: COA Grant Program