Download this notice on letterhead: Councils on Aging – Formula Grant Posting FY20 (pdf)
The Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) announces its intent to award Formula Grants to local Councils on Aging in State Fiscal Year 2020. Established pursuant to M.G.L. 19A ยง 1, EOEA promotes the independence, empowerment, and well-being of older people, individuals with disabilities and caregivers throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Councils on Aging (COAs) are municipally appointed agencies that serve as the local gateway to EOEA and other state and federal programs and services. The 350 COAs in Massachusetts annually provide direct services to more than 330,000 elders, their families and caregivers. While each COA is unique, most Councils offer information and referral, transportation, outreach, meals (congregate and home delivered), health screening, fitness and recreational programs.
Formula grant funding is authorized through the FY2020 General Appropriation Act. Awards will be issued to each COA at a rate of $12.00 per elder, based upon the number of elders noted in the 2010 federal census. Regardless of size, all COAs are eligible to receive a minimum award of $6,000.
In FY2020, Service Incentive Grants are also to be awarded and issued to local Councils on Aging who have demonstrated and identified unmet needs for sub-populations whose needs are unique and are not readily services through typical state and local funding; and, to the Massachusetts Councils on Aging (MCOA) for statewide service priorities.
All information related to the awarding of these funds will be uploaded to when available. All interested parties are encouraged to monitor the site for ongoing updates.
For any questions regarding these awards, please contact Emmett Schmarsow, EOEA Program Manager for COAs and Senior Centers at Emmett.Schmarsow@MassMail.State.MA.US.