Aging & Disability for Professionals - Serving Massachusetts Older Adults and People with Disabilities

FY2022 Formula Grant Contracts

INSTRUCTIONS: updates enclosed

The section of the Standard Contract Form (SCF) for Formula Grants to Councils on Aging (COAs) entitled “BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT PERFORMANCE or REASON FOR AMENDMENT” provides a description of the terms to which a Council on Aging (COA) or municipality is bound. The SCF also incorporates Commonwealth Terms and Conditions. Each COA or municipality shall print a copy of the Commonwealth Terms and Conditions (also linked here) and maintain the Commonwealth Terms and Conditions as part of the relevant contract file. Allocations to each COA are included in a separate Excel spreadsheet (click to download FY22 Formula Grant Amounts.xlsx).

  • The authorized signatory shall sign and date this contract as an original; wet signatures and dates are required
  • An authorized signatory is an individual legally certified to execute contracts on behalf of the municipality
  • Each municipality must file an updated Contractor Authorization Listing Form (CASL) with the Secretary of State’s Office at the beginning of each fiscal year.  Please access more information on the CASL form here.
  • Each municipality must include a copy of the CASL form with contract document submission to EOEA.

Please locate your municipality’s contract in the document group provided below for printing and signature.

(click to download PDF)


Municipality names starting with the letters:

FY22 Formula Grant Contract_MA_1



FY22 Formula Grant Contract_MA_2



FY22 Formula Grant Contract_MA_3



FY22 Formula Grant Contract_MA_4




Example – Town of Oak Bluffs would be under FY22 Formula Grant Contract_MA_3:  02082200000000000008

  • EOEA countersigns in the lower right field corner; do not mark or make any changes in that area.
  • The address in the upper left-hand corner box of the SCF is the current legal address of the relevant municipality on file with the Office of the State Comptroller.
  • If you would like an original executed contract for your files, please send in two (2) original signed contracts and a self-addressed envelope. EOEA will mail the contract to the name and address provided on the self-addressed envelope.
  • Please do not make any changes to the contracts EOEA has uploaded for signature. Should you need to advise EOEA of administrative updates (contact name, legal address, etc.), please do so by including a memo with requested changes. Please return the memo with the signed FY22 Formula Grant contract.
  • Upon receipt of the properly signed contract, EOEA will issue a payment in the amount indicated for your municipality in the FY22 Formula Grant Amounts spreadsheet.

Please expedite finalization of your contract to the extent possible.

Return the document(s) to:

Executive Office of Elder Affairs

1 Ashburton Place, Rm 517

Boston, MA 02108

ATTN: FY22 Formula Grant Contract

FY2022 Formula Grant Contracts
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