Aging & Disability for Professionals - Serving Massachusetts Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Notice: Upcoming Release of Fiscal Year 2024 Formula Grant to Massachusetts Councils on Aging

Award Amounts: Formula Grant award amounts have been calculated using the payment rate established in the Fiscal Year 2024 General Appropriations Act (Chapter 28 of the Acts of 2023). In Fiscal Year 2024, this is calculated as $14 per person aged 60 and over with a minimum contract amount of $7,000.

Download COA FY24 Formula Grant Allocations by Town (xlsx)

Contract Information:

  • From Fiscal Year 2023 until Fiscal Year 2032, Councils on Aging do not need to sign a Standard Contract form each year to receive the funding. The Executive Office of Elder Affairs will make a payment to each Council on Aging for the annual award amount.
  • While Councils on Aging will not need to submit a Standard Contract Form, it is important that each municipality continue to utilize the funding consistent with the purpose of the Line Item 9110-9002 and follow all relevant finance requirements.
  • Councils on Aging should maintain their official contact, location, and banking information with both the Office of the State Comptroller and the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. If this information is not kept up to date, payments will be delayed.

Formula Grant Balances: Starting in Fiscal Year 2021, the Executive Office of Elder Affairs eliminated the requirement to report final grant balances from the prior year. This continues to not be required.

Annual Report: Councils on Aging are required to submit an annual report to Executive Office of Elder Affairs describing the impact of the Formula Grant funds. Instructions for this process are issued by the program team each year. The Fiscal Year 2024 report, which will be due in the fall of 2024, will include a brief expenditure report, including Formula Grant spending on broad categories such as personnel, maintenance, transportation, and other noteworthy expenditures. This report will support the tracking of emerging financial needs, and inform policy and future funding for Councils on Aging.

Thank you for all that Councils on Aging have done and continue to do to serve older adults in the Commonwealth. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Adam Frank at (617) 222-7428 or

Notice: Upcoming Release of Fiscal Year 2024 Formula Grant to Massachusetts Councils on Aging
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